The Post Office is Great…Until it’s not.

I shop a lot online. More than most people. I don’t like stores. I often track shipments and most of the time I’m very impressed with the good ol’ USPS but I’d say about 35% of the time now I’ll check the tracking and it’s say OUT FOR DELIVERY (Yay) << I added the Yay but maybe they should adopt that— but then when you look at its location it says St Louis Missouri or Pittsburgh, PA. This happens a lot, did I say that already? Now I know we’ve adopted a lot of Star Trek technology— and if you let Elon Musk go he’ll get the rest of it figured out— sidebar— stop acting like Elon is some evil entity— the guy is trying to SAVE OUR MONEY— the governments WASTES our money— it’s time we had the ability to AUDIT them! Anyway, as far as I know a transporter has not crossed the realms into reality so if my package is in one of these far off lands and it says OUT FOR DELIVERY I say nay nay sir, such is not possible.

Usually the package will continue its move— Priority Mail used to be immune to this but not so any longer— but sometimes it will sit soundly in such a location as if its run into an old friend and boy, chatting just got out of hand and sorry we lost track of time.

Currently I have three packages all of which are past delivery estimates by several days. I have a good friend who hasn’t gotten any mail in 9 days who lives in the Midwest because the area was crippled by a 4” snowstorm and two weeks later they’re still waiting for FEMA to come in and save them.

So I shouldn’t complain, but I will anyway.


Robo Picto Has the Good Stuff
