I Believe in You. You Should Too.

We all face obstacles. We all have challenges. Sometimes they seem insurmountable, unattainable, impossible to overcome. I’ve been there.

“Only when we’ve been to the lowest valley can we appreciate the view from the highest mountain.” -Richard Nixon who had more than his share of defeat— much of it his own fault.

Whatever you’re dealing with you can get through it— not only “get through it” but thrive and prosper. I know this with certainty because I’ve done it time and time again and trust me I’m nothing special — I think most of you who read this blog regularly have already figured that out.

First, ask yourself WHAT you want— then WHY you want it and finally how hard are you willing to SACRIFICE to achieve it? Too often we think we want something and we don’t even know why we’re after it in the first place. In my chosen career as of today I have to draw 2-3 pages of art a day— that’s a monumental task— comfort wise a page a day is the norm— so working at 3x the speed while maintaining quality is my challenge. I don’t have the luxury of having a bad drawing day— or a day where I don’t “feel” like working— or even time for a cold to waylay me for a couple of days.

How will I sacrifice? I have a Birthday dinner I won’t miss. I won’t miss Valentine’s Day with my wife, but I will give up my weekends as I have since the begining of the month (not that hard to do in February). I spent 10 days in Florida back in January and enjoyed some sunshine while I worked on my taxes and attended a charity art function, but now it’s back to work and work I will.

I’ll make sure I get regular breaks, I’ll make sure I eat actual meals, I’ll make sure I even get some sunshine in the 20 degree weather— but I have a plan and I’m confident I’ll be able to stick with it.

And that’s what you can do— take a breath— breathe for a minute— face that thing you’re dealing with— and figure it out.

That’s a process that has worked for me all my life. I can do anything as long as I’ve figured it out. I have to understand how something works from start to finish and once I do, I can jump in. I’m not impulsive, I’m a planner, and that goes a long way towards keeping my stress down.

It works, try it.


Catching Up and Thanks


COMIC CON’S - Straight Shooting Evaluation