Things Unfamiliar-- How Is Wendy's Still in Business?

I think the worst part of trying to run a blog is coming up with what to write. You want to see how its done head on over to CJ Kennedy’s Blog or Robo Picto— both of them have a winning strategy of categorizing particular days with repeated themes or subjects. I did that a few years ago and boy it makes it so much easier.

So why don’t I do that now?

Oh man, don’t make my head hurt.

I will, I promise. I’ll make this blog focus if I have to grab it by the horns and wrestle it's snout into the ground.

My Mom loves Hamburgers. I think her favorite place is Five Guys, but she also likes Wendy’s— I was heading over there to dog sit Joe’s dog at Adam’s apartment (long story) so I stopped at the Wendy’s near Holy Cross College- I used the kiosk to place my order for three hamburgers (one for me, one for Mom and one for the dog). I ordered each one with different toppings— I don’t like Mayonnaise, dog can’t eat onions, etc.

I thought ordering at the Kiosk would eliminate any chance of the kid at the register getting things wrong.

Mistake #1.

I took my place in the pickup area— glancing around and not on my phone, apparently I made the three young people making the orders nervous. The place was a mess. I wasn’t sure if the two people sitting by the entrance with their phones plugged in were homeless, it didn’t look like they were eating. The kids working behind the counter were debating something about ARE YOU SMARTER THAN A FIFTH GRADER?

The trash behind the counter was overfull, the floor had a lot of stuff on it, and the overall cleanliness rating looked like the last time I was in Chinatown and I ordered a mystery meat sandwich that I tried to give to the Pidgeons at a nearby park and they wouldn’t eat it.

The kids behind the counter seemed to focus up a bit as I stood there. From the glances they gave me, for some reason I was making them nervous, but I laughed it off to paranoia on my part. I sometimes don’t like the way I come across to people.

The kid at the main register looked over at me;

“Are you waiting on this order?” He said as he pointed at a monitor I could only see the back off. I assumed it was the same screen I saw on my side with said ORDER PROCESSING-ANDREW

I nodded.

“I got you.” He said.

One kid was making the burgers, another was scooping fries, I’m not sure if there were orders in the drive thru but I was the only one in the store who seemed to be eating.

The counter kid came around the corner with three aluminum foil wrapped burgers which for some reason he stacked on the counter while he reached for a bag— and sure enough the tower toppled and one of the burgers fell into the overfull trash.

The kid looked at me with a look of horror and then smiled. I smiled back.

“You makin’ me nervous.” he said.

Not my imagination.

“Do you know if the one that fell in the trash was the plain one?” Since that one was going to the dog and the trash was so full it was sitting right there I figured if he put it in a different bag I could be on my way.

He looked at me for a half a second. “The plain one is for my dog.” I explained.

He nodded and opened the one in the trash— lettuce. Not plain. “I’ll make you a new one.”

This time he managed to get all three burgers into the bag and I was on my way.

Unwrapping them, they were all the same, in fact one had extra lettuce, tomatoes, onions and mayo— none of them were plain, all of them had cheese (I had ordered hamburgers because I don’t like orange cheese).

And somehow they were all cold.

My Mom had hers and she enjoyed it like it had come from a gourmet restaurant— the dog ate hers without complaint— me? I took a bite, then gave the rest to the dog and grub hubbed some yogurt and fresh raspberries and made due with that for dinner.


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