Let's Try This Again...Making the Blog Relevant
Yikes here we go again.
I always have good intentions with the Blog— I write it daily as an exercise I began so long ago I can’t remember if it was 2008 or 2004— regardless, it was a long time ago— it used to be on BLOGGER before I moved it over here. This year I’m planning on moving this whole thing over to WordPress but I’m not 100% committed to that plan.
I’m going to post some art for sale here— I also may have to bite the bullet and dust off my Instagram Account—I really hate social media— although I find Instagram the least offensive of them all, but I still find the concept of it distasteful— please don’t ask me to explain— I can’t. I do know that sometime around 2006 that I had a Facebook Account— everyone was getting one. I had (still have) a good friend who works for the FBI— and cyber security is one of their focuses. WAAAAAY back then she told me to not sign up for it— ans sure enough one of my trusty Macs started having problems that I could link to Malware hat had come from someone asking me to play a Barnyard game. I took a look at what I was doing, logging in to see that another friend was currently at the Dentist with her daughter, another friend was challenging me to join his “gang” in another virtual game and I suddenly had a bunch of friends who I’d never met in person.
I didn’t like it. I didn’t like the fakeness of it— I didn’t like the voyerism of it. I didn’t like how everyone was posting a curated version of thier lives. I didn’t like it. The lure of potential work wasn’t strong enough to keep me on and I closed the account— which in itself was extremely difficult to do— in fact Facebook wouldn’t let me actually quit until I had a “cooling off’ period of about two weeks— I thought that was pretty odd.
But I digress.
I’ll do my best to make this Blog and this whole website a little bit more relevant. I’m embarking on a brand new project with a new publisher and I’d like to document some of the journey here for people who are interested in such things.
Stay tuned to see how I do.