Trust in the MSM at an All Time Low

I don’t know if I was more surprised that trust in the Mainstream Media was at an all time low of 31% or that anyone still even watches the MSM. I haven’t seen an actual newscast in the same amount of time I’ve not had a landline phone which is about 20 years.

I do subscribe to a digital version of the Wall Street Journal but that’s more habit than anything else. I love how the MSM tries to sell people who actually are reporting news as “disinformation” when the incrediblely obvious agenda of all of them is so in our faces.

Trump is Hitler because he had a rally at Madison Square Garden? Well I guess FDR, JFK and Bill Clinton are too because they did as well, but I bet if you only get your news from the MSM you didn’t know that.

Do yourself a favor, have your favorite news sources that’s fine, but occasionally branch out and try something independent and try to find some actual reporting, it’s not that hard to do.


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