Answering some emails....
In my opinion, the last issue of BATMAN. Not saying there haven’t been some good stories since, or that this one is even a great story (it’s not) but I love the cover.
Haven’t done an ASK THE ANSWER MAN type of post in a while, and a lot of email questions have come in. I love running these, I have ONE regular reader who must come here to just make himself angry. He’s always telling me how do I get off telling my opinions here (because it’s my blog man) or that I think I’m a tough guy (I don’t)— although I was a successful boxer and coached boxing for 11 years, I also carry a gun— does that make me a tough guy? It makes me a realist. We live in what the Woo Police have assured me is the safest neighborhood in the city but we had a murder/suicide last week and the armed killer ran by my house. Also interesting to note all the neighbors came over to my house for safety.
On to the questions;
1- Is using digital drawing tools or add ons cheating in art?
A- Not in my opinion. I had a professor in art school (I don’t remember which school or which professor) who told me if Michelangelo had access to a digital camera and a projector he would have used it. If you’re a professional you’re up against deadlines all the time, do what you have to so you can get the job done and you’ll get hired again.
2- What is the most expensive comic book you own/bought?
A- Not sure- I bought a lot of early pre-Robin Detective Comics before the market went crazy— bought them some 40 years ago. I think the highest price I’ve ever paid for a book was $25k— does that seem insane to you? $25k for a comic book? How about if I told you I sold it for $40k during the pandemic? Not so crazy now, huh?
3- What is your next convention? Are you doing NYCC? If not NYC why? Aren’t you close?
A- Not doing NYCC— couple of reasons; I don’t like the show. It’s way too crowded and crowd control is rough. New York City is absolutely filthy— nothing like when I lived there oh so many years ago. I would rather go to Rhode Island Comic Con which is closer and easier to get into. Next show for us is OAX in Orlando Florida in January. Why? We Leo the promoter— we love Florida in January— We Love being out of Massachusetts in January.
4- Love the suit you’re wearing in that photo you posted earlier in the week with I assume, Veronica (who looks absolutely glamorous by the way), where did you get it and what material is it?
A- It’s a hand made suit from Brooks Brothers— all of the Groomsmen got them. When the bride announced she wanted dark navy we figured we’d spring for quality since we can wear them again. The material is an Egyptian Cotton, the lightest weight they had. It caught light beautifully and we got endless compliments on it. Yes that was Veronica and she was show stompingly gorgeous and the epitome of grace and style as the Step-Mother of the Groom.
5- So sorry to hear you had Covid— how are you feeling?
A- Thanks— 100% better but I still have a dry cough— not gonna lie, this was a rough one.
That’s all folks— see you next week.